

Spells can be created by clicking Spell Editor inside the Game Editors tab on the main interface.


Managing Spells


  • Clicking on the first icon here will create a new spell. Shortcut = Ctrl+N
  • Clicking on a spell in the list and clicking the second icon will delete that spell.
  • Clicking the third icon will catagorize your spells in alphabetical order.
  • Clicking on a spell in the list and clicking the fourth icon will copy that spell. Shortcut = Ctrl+C
  • Clicking on a spell in the list and clicking the fifth icon will paste your copied spell. Shortcut = Ctrl+V
  • Clicking on the sixth icon will revert your last change to a spell (Does not revert deletion).

Editing Spells



  • Name: Gives a name to the spell.
  • Folder: Clicking on the X next to this field allows you to create a folder for spell organization.
  • Type: Sets a type of spell. Please go here for more information on spell types.
  • Icon: Allows you to set an icon to the clients spell slot. Icons are located in your clients sub folder resources/spells.
  • Desc: Allows you to add a description to your spell.
  • Bound: Toggling this will make your spell bound to a character which disables the character from unlearning it.
  • Sprite Cast Anim: You can select a sprite cast animation here. The sprite needs to be located in your clients resources/entities folder and they must be in .png format with the naming convention, spritename_cast_customname.png. This option will override the engine default sprite animation named, spritename_cast.png.
  • Extra Cast Anim: You can select an extra cast animation here. If you don’t have any animations created, refer to the Animation Editor in the Game Editors tab on the main interface.
  • Hit Animation: You can select a hit animation that will play on the target.
  • Casting Requirements: Clicking this will open another window which is used for Conditions. Refer to the Conditions documentation section for more information about this.
  • Cannot Cast Message: Allows you to set a message as to why the spell can’t cast.

Spell Costs

Spell Cost

  • HP Cost: Allows you to set an HP cost for casting the spell.
  • MP Cost: Allows you to set an MP cost for casting the spell.
  • Cast Time (ms): Allows you to set a cast time for casting the spell in milliseconds. 1000 (ms) = 1 second.
  • Cooldown (ms): Allows you to set a cooldown timer in milliseconds. 1000 (ms) = 1 second. This disables the spell from being cast until the timer ends.
  • Cooldown Group: Clicking the X next to this field allows you to create a group which you can place multiple spells in a cooldown catagory, which disables all those spells in the group from being cast until the cooldown timer ends.
  • Ignore Global Cooldown?: Toggling this will ignore the global cooldown of spells. The server config has global cooldowns disabled by default.
  • Ignore Cooldown Reduction?: Toggling this will disable/enable the players cooldown reduction percentage effect.

Targetting Info

TargettingTargetting Options

  • Target Types: Selecting this will allow you to set a targetting type for the spell. Please go here for more information on each of the targetting types.


Combat Spell

  • Friendly: Toggling this will define whether the spell is friendly or not.
  • HP Damage: When a spell is defined friendly, use negative values for healing HP as opposed to using positive values for damaging.
  • MP Damage: When a spell is defined friendly, use negative values for healing MP as opposed to using positive values for damaging.
  • Damage Type: Setting this will allow you to select whether the damage is Physical, Magic or True. True damage negates resistance.
  • Scaling Stat: Setting this will link the spell damage with the players stat selected here.
  • Scaling Amount (%): Setting this will scale the scaling stat based on percentage. Example, if the player has 10 Ability Power and its scaled amount is set at 50%. The spell damage will include 5 Ability Power as total damage before resistances.
  • Crit Chance (%): Setting this will increase the crit chance percentage.
  • Crit Multiplier (Default 1.5x): Setting this will increase the crit damage based on a multiplier of the spell damage.

Heal/Damage Over Time


  • HOT/DOT?: Toggling this will enable/disable Heal/Damage Over Time.
  • Tick (ms): Allows you to set the tick timer in milliseconds, this will tick until the Duration (ms) expires. 1000 (ms) = 1 second.
  • Tick Animation: Allows you to set an animation that will play per tick. Refer to the Animation Editor in the Game Editors tab on the main interface.

Stat Modifiers


  • Attack: Allows you to set an attack stat modifier that will last until the Duration (ms) expires.
  • Ability Pwr: Allows you to set an ability power stat modifier that will last until the Duration (ms) expires.
  • Defense: Allows you to set a defense stat modifier that will last until the Duration (ms) expires.
  • Magic Resist: Allows you to set a magic resist stat modifier that will last until the Duration (ms) expires.
  • Speed: Allows you to set a speed stat modifier that will last until the Duration (ms) expires.

Stat Boost/Effect Duration


  • Duration (ms): Allows you to set the duration of the buffs/debuffs and HOT/DOT effects in milliseconds. 1000 (ms) = 1 second.


Effect OptionsTransform

  • Silence: Makes the target unable to spell cast until the Duration (ms) expires.
  • Stun: Makes the target unable to move or attack until the Duration (ms) expires.
  • Snare: Makes the target unable to move until the Duration (ms) expires.
  • Blind: Makes the target unable to melee hit until the Duration (ms) expires.
  • Stealth: Makes the target invisible until the Duration (ms) expires.
  • Transform: Allows you to change the characters sprite until the Duration (ms) expires. Refer to the second screenshot above.
  • Cleanse: Removes all debuffs from the target.
  • Invulnerable: Makes the target unabled to be damaged until the Duration (ms) expires.
  • Shield: Grants the target a shield based on HP setting until the Duration (ms) expires.
  • Sleep: Makes the target go to sleep until the Duration (ms) expires.
  • OnHit: Adds an onhit effect to the target until the Duration (ms) expires.
  • Taunt: Makes the target turn berserk until the Duration (ms) expires.

Spell Types

You can select a spell type from this drop down menu.

Spell Types

Combat Spell

This is the default type which we’ve covered above.

Warp To Map

Selecting this type will open this container window on the spell editor. Upon casting, it will warp the character to a defined Map/X/Y.

Warp To Map

  • Map: Allows you to set a map to warp to.
  • X: Allows you to set the maps X position to warp to.
  • Y: Allows you to set the maps Y position to warp to.
  • Dir: Allows you to set the position which the character will be facing.
  • Open Visual Interface: This opens an interface which you can click to define the warp Map/X/Y automatically.

Warp To Target

Selecting this type will automatically set the targetting type. Upon casting, it will warp the character to the target.

Warp To Target

  • Target Type: This type is automatically set when selecting the spell type and can not be changed.
  • Cast Range (tiles): Allows you to set a range in tiles for which this spell can be cast.


Selecting this type will open this container window on the spell editor. Upon casting, it will create a dash effect based on the options defined.


  • Dash Range (tiles): Allows you to set a dash range in tiles.
  • Map Blocks: With this ticked, it will ignore collisions with map block attributes.
  • Active Resources: With this ticked, it will ignore collisions with active resources on the map.
  • Inactive Resources: With this ticked, it will ignore collisions with inactive resources on the map.
  • Z-Dimension Blocks: With this ticked, it will ignore collisions with Z-Dimension blocks on the map.


Selecting this type will open this contain window on the spell editor. Upon casting, it will process an event selected. Refer to the Events documentation for more information on how to create events!


Targetting Types

You can select a targetting type from this drop down menu.

Targetting Options


Selecting this type will only allow the spell to be cast on themselves.

Single Target (includes self)

Selecting this type will allow the spell to be cast on a single target, including self.

Single Target

  • Cast Range (tiles): Allows you to set a cast range in tiles.
  • Hit Radius: Allows you to set a hit radius.


Selecting this type will allow the spell to affect all within the hit radius defined.


  • Hit Radius: Allows you to set a hit radius.

Linear (projectile)

Selecting this type will allow the spell to be a linear projectile selected from the projectile list.


  • Projectile: Allows you to choose from a list of projectiles. If you have no projectiles created, refer to the Projectile Editor from the Game Editors tab on the main interface.

On Hit

Selecting this type will allow the spell to be an On Hit effect.

On Hit

  • Duration (ms): Allows you to set the duration of the effect in milliseconds. 1000 (ms) = 1 second.


Selecting this type will allow the spell to act as a trap.


  • Duration (ms): Allows you to set the duration of the effect in milliseconds. 1000 (ms) = 1 second.