

You can access the Crafts Editor from the Game Editors tab in the Intersect Editor.


Managing Crafts


  • Clicking on the first icon here will create a new craft. Shortcut = Ctrl+N
  • Clicking on a craft in the list and clicking the second icon will delete that craft.
  • Clicking the third icon will catagorize your crafts in alphabetical order.
  • Clicking on a craft in the list and clicking the fourth icon will copy that craft. Shortcut = Ctrl+C
  • Clicking on a craft in the list and clicking the fifth icon will paste your copied craft. Shortcut = Ctrl+V
  • Clicking on the sixth icon will revert your last change to a craft (Does not revert deletion).

Adding/Editing Crafts

When you initially open the Crafts Editor, the list will be empty. Click the New Craft button to get started.

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When clicking the New Craft button, it will create a new crafting recipe that by default is named New Craft.

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Click on the New Craft that was just created; this will open up the editor for that individual craft.


  • Name: the in-game name of the crafting recipe.
  • Folder: used to organize your crafts in the editor.
  • Item: the item that will be created by the crafting process; creating these items is via the Items Editor in the Game Editors menu.
  • Quantity: the number of items that will be created.
  • Time (ms): the delay in milliseconds before the crafting process is completed after a user starts the process.
  • Failure (%): the whole-number percentage chance that a crafting operation will fail.
  • Item Loss (%): the whole-number percentage chance that a failed crafting operation will consume the ingredients despite failing.
  • Craft Requirements: a requirements editor that is used to configure what conditions a player must meet before they are able to use this specific crafting recipe. Click here for more information on conditions.
  • Ingredients: the ingredients necessary to use this crafting recipe.
  • Common Event: a global event that will run after the crafting process is completed. The common event is only ran AFTER the crafting processing is completed. Click here for more information about common events!

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The buttons at the bottom of the Ingredients section of the editor are used to manage the list of ingredients:

  • New: adds a new ingredient to the list of required ingredients.
  • Delete: removes the ingredient you highlight in the list by clicking on the name.
  • Duplicate : creates and adds to the list a duplicate of the highlighted ingredient.

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When an ingredient is highlighted in the list, the specific item for the “ingredient” and the quantity are able to be selected:

  • Item: a dropdown with all of the items that can be selected for this ingredients; None is not an item, it is a placeholder for “no item.”
  • Quantity: The whole number of the specified item that are required for this ingredient.

Note: the item and quantity data fields will change the currently selected ingredient from the ‘ingredients’ list.

Crafting Tables Editor


You can access the Craft Tables Editor from the Game Editors tab in the Intersect Editor.


Managing Crafting Tables


  • Clicking on the first icon here will create a new crafting table. Shortcut = Ctrl+N
  • Clicking on a crafting table in the list and clicking the second icon will delete that crafting table.
  • Clicking the third icon will catagorize your crafting tables in alphabetical order.
  • Clicking on a crafting table in the list and clicking the fourth icon will copy that crafting table. Shortcut = Ctrl+C
  • Clicking on a crafting table in the list and clicking the fifth icon will paste your copied crafting table. Shortcut = Ctrl+V
  • Clicking on the sixth icon will revert your last change to a crafting table (Does not revert deletion).

Adding/Editing Crafting Tables



  • Name: Allows you to set a name to your crafting table.
  • Folder: Clicking the + next to this field allows you to create a folder for organization.



  • Add Item To Be Crafted: Allows you to select an item from the Craft Editor to add to this craft table.
  • Add Selected: Adds the current item to the craft table.
  • Remove Selected: Select a craft item from the list and click this to remove the craft.

Opening Craft Table


We use the event system to open craft tables which allows the player to craft items. Click here for more information on how to use events.