Client and Editor `config.json`
Name | Type | Example | Description |
Host | string | ”localhost” | The IP address or host name of the server. |
Port | integer | 5400 | The port on the server. |
GameFont | string | ”sourcesansproblack” | The name of the font to use for non-UI rendering. |
EntityNameFont | string | ”sourcesansproblack” | The name of the font to use for entity names. |
ChatBubbleFont | string | ”sourcesansproblack” | The name of the font to use for chat bubble text. |
ActionMsgFont | string | ”sourcesansproblack” | The name of the font to use for action messages. |
UIFont | string | ”sourcesansproblack,8” | The name and size of the font to use for unstyled windows (such as debug/admin) comma-delimited (name,size ). |
ChatLines | integer | 100 | The number of lines to save for chat scroll-back. |
MenuMusic | string | ”Game-Menu_Looping.ogg” | The name of the music file to play on the main menu (file must be in resources/music ). |
MenuBackground | string[] | Static background Example: [ “background.png” ] Animated background Example: [ “background_0.png”, “background_1.png”, “background_2.png” ], | Sets the main menu’s background texture. If the list contains more than 1 texture file, the background will be animated by sequentially drawing them (file(s) must be in resources/gui ). Click here to watch a walk-through video. |
MenuBackgroundDisplayMode | string | ”Default” | Sets the display mode of the main menu’s background.Default : Default display mode of fullscreen textures.Center : Positions the texture in the center of the game window.Stretch : Stretches the texture to the game window size.FitHeight : Fits the texture to the game window height.FitWidth : Fits the texture to the game window width.Fit : Fits the texture to the game window by using the DrawFullScreenTextureFitMaximum method.Cover : Fits the texture to the game window by using the DrawFullScreenTextureFitMinimum method. |
MenuBackgroundFrameInterval | integer | 100 | Sets the frames interval (milliseconds) of the main menu’s animated background. |
IntroImages | string[] | [“logo.png”, “sponsor.png”] | A list from which introductory images are drawn when the game client is launched. |
UpdateUrl | string | ”http://localhost:8080/update.json” | The URL to the update manifest file generated by the editor (see Auto Updater). |
MouseCursor | string | ”defaultcursor.png” | Sets a custom sprite to be used as cursor by the game client (file must be in resources/misc ). |
MusicFadeTimer | integer | 1500 | Determines the time it takes to fade-in or fade-out a song when no other instructions are given. |
EnableContextMenus | boolean | true | Configures whether or not the context menus are enabled upon right-clicking certain elements. |
UiSkin | string | ”defaultskin.png” | Configures the name of the UI’s skin or skin texture to use (file must end in .png and must be in resources/gui ). |