Client and Editor `config.json`

Hoststring”localhost”The IP address or host name of the server.
Portinteger5400The port on the server.
GameFontstring”sourcesansproblack”The name of the font to use for non-UI rendering.
EntityNameFontstring”sourcesansproblack”The name of the font to use for entity names.
ChatBubbleFontstring”sourcesansproblack”The name of the font to use for chat bubble text.
ActionMsgFontstring”sourcesansproblack”The name of the font to use for action messages.
UIFontstring”sourcesansproblack,8”The name and size of the font to use for unstyled windows (such as debug/admin) comma-delimited (name,size).
ChatLinesinteger100The number of lines to save for chat scroll-back.
MenuMusicstring”Game-Menu_Looping.ogg”The name of the music file to play on the main menu (file must be in resources/music).
MenuBackgroundstring[]Static background Example:
[ “background.png” ]

Animated background Example:
[ “background_0.png”, “background_1.png”, “background_2.png” ],
Sets the main menu’s background texture. If the list contains more than 1 texture file, the background will be animated by sequentially drawing them (file(s) must be in resources/gui). Click here to watch a walk-through video.
MenuBackgroundDisplayModestring”Default”Sets the display mode of the main menu’s background.
Default: Default display mode of fullscreen textures.
Center: Positions the texture in the center of the game window.
Stretch: Stretches the texture to the game window size.
FitHeight: Fits the texture to the game window height.
FitWidth: Fits the texture to the game window width.
Fit: Fits the texture to the game window by using the DrawFullScreenTextureFitMaximum method.
Cover: Fits the texture to the game window by using the DrawFullScreenTextureFitMinimum method.
MenuBackgroundFrameIntervalinteger100Sets the frames interval (milliseconds) of the main menu’s animated background.
IntroImagesstring[][“logo.png”, “sponsor.png”]A list from which introductory images are drawn when the game client is launched.
UpdateUrlstringhttp://localhost:8080/update.jsonThe URL to the update manifest file generated by the editor (see Auto Updater).
MouseCursorstring”defaultcursor.png”Sets a custom sprite to be used as cursor by the game client (file must be in resources/misc).
MusicFadeTimerinteger1500Determines the time it takes to fade-in or fade-out a song when no other instructions are given.
EnableContextMenusbooleantrueConfigures whether or not the context menus are enabled upon right-clicking certain elements.
UiSkinstring”defaultskin.png”Configures the name of the UI’s skin or skin texture to use (file must end in .png and must be in resources/gui).