Server `config.json`
Name | Type | Example | Description |
GameName | string | Intersect | Configures the name of the game this server hosts. |
ServerPort | number | 5400 | Configures the port this server will listen on. |
AdminOnly | boolean | false | Configures whether this server will only allow staff members (Access 1 or above) to log in. |
BlockClientRegistrations | boolean | false | Configures whether this server will block new user registrations or not. |
AnimatedSprites | array | [“bat.png”, “beholder.png”] | Configures which sprites should always be animating, even when standing still. |
EventWatchdogKillThreshold | number | 5000 | Configures the amount of commands an event may execute within a single server tick before the server considers it to be looping infinitely and kills it off. |
OpenPortChecker | boolean | true | Configures whether the server will check if it can be reached from the internet each time it starts. |
ValidPasswordResetTimeMinutes | number | 30 | Configures the time (in minutes) a password reset link is valid for. |
UPnP | boolean | true | |
Chat | See Chat | ||
Combat | See Combat | ||
Equipment | See Equipment | ||
GameDatabase | See Server Database | ||
PlayerDatabase | See Server Database | ||
Map | See Map | ||
NPC | See NPC | ||
Loot | see Loot | ||
Player | See Player | ||
Party | See Party | ||
Security | See Server Security | ||
SmtpSettings | See SMTP | ||
Sprites | See Sprites | ||
Passability | See Passability |
Name | Type | Example | Description |
MaxChatLength | number | 120 | Configures the maximum allowed length of each chat message. |
MinIntervalBetweenChats | number | 400 | Configures the minimum interval (in milliseconds) required between each chat message. |
Name | Type | Example | Description |
BlockingSlow | number | 30 | Configures the percentage by which to slow a player down while they are blocking. |
CombatTime | number | 10000 | Configures the amount of time it takes for a player to no longer be considered in combat after their last attack or the last time they took damage. |
MaxAttackRate | number | 200 | Configures the maximum rate at which an entity could potentially attack. |
MaxDashSpeed | number | 200 | Configures the maximum speed at which a player can dash. |
MinAttackRate | number | 500 | Configures the minimum rate at which an entity could potentially attack. |
RegenTime | number | 3000 | Configures the time (in milliseconds) between each Vital regeneration tick. |
Name | Type | Example | Description |
GameBorderStyle | number | 0 | Configures the method in which the camera is handled by the engine. 0 will use a seamless world and try to avoid showing areas with no maps in them. 1 will use a seamless world and not constrain the camera to the map view, centering the camera on the player at all times. 2 will not use a seamless world and show each map on its own as you traverse the world. |
Height | number | 26 | Configures the amount of tiles available on the Y (vertical) axis on each map. WARNING: This value can not be changed on the fly and will require you to delete your existing maps when changed! |
ItemAttributeRespawnTime | number | 15000 | Configures the amount of time (in milliseconds) it takes for items spawned through the Item Map Attribute to respawn. |
TileHeight | number | 32 | Configures the amount of pixels each map tile is on the Y (vertical) axis. |
TileWidth | number | 32 | Configures the amount of pixels each map tile is on the X (horizontal) axis. |
Width | number | 32 | Configures the amount of tiles available on the X (horizontal) axis on each map. WARNING: This value can not be changed on the fly and will require you to delete your existing maps when changed! |
ZDimensionVisible | boolean | false | Configures whether the Z-Dimension is enabled. See Z-Dimensions |
Name | Type | Example | Description |
AllowResetRadius | boolean | false | Configures whether NPCs will reset after being moved away from the initial point they were first attacked on or started attacking. |
AllowNewResetLocationBeforeFinish | boolean | false | Configures whether NPCs are allowed to obtain a new center point from which they have been pulled before having fully reset to the last. |
ResetVitalsAndStatusses | boolean | false | Configures whether NPCs will fully reset their vitals and statuses when resetting. |
ResetRadius | number | 8 | Configures the range (in tiles) in which an NPC is allowed to move from the initial point they were first attacked on or started attacking before resetting. |
Name | Type | Example | Description |
ItemDespawnTime | number | 15000 | Configures the time (in milliseconds) which it takes for loot and dropped items to despawn from the map. |
ItemOwnershipTime | number | 5000 | Configures the time (in milliseconds) which it takes for a dropped item to no longer be owned by the player that caused it to drop through either killing NPCs and Players or dropping it on the map. |
ShowUnownedItems | boolean | false | Configures whether everyone on the map can see items that they are not currently the owner of and not eligible to pick up. |
ConsolidateMapDrops | boolean | true | Configures whether dropping multiple of an item to the map at once consolidates the drops into a single object on the map, or whether it drops multiple on the map at once. |
Name | Type | Example | Description |
ItemDropChance | number | 0 | Configures the chance (percentage) of when a player will drop items upon death. |
MaxBank | number | 100 | Configures the maximum amount of bank slots each player has. |
MaxCharacters | number | 1 | Configures the maximum amount of characters each user account can have. |
MaxInventory | number | 35 | Configures the maximum amount of inventory slots each player has. |
MaxLevel | number | 100 | Configures the maximum level a player character can reach. |
MaxSpells | number | 35 | Configures the maximum amount of spell slots each player has. |
MaxStat | number | 255 | Configures the maximum amount of stat points any given stat can have. |
RequestTimeout | number | 300000 | Configures the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) a trade request can be left pending before cancelling it automatically. |
TradeRange | number | 6 | Configures the range (in tiles) in which the player and the player they are attempting to trade with must reside within. |
Name | Type | Example | Description |
MaximumMembers | number | 4 | Configures the maximum amount of party members allowed. |
InviteRange | number | 40 | Configures the range (in tiles) in which the player and the player they are attempting to invite to a party must reside within. |
SharedXpRange | number | 40 | Configures the range (in tiles) in which party members have to be for them to share experience on kills. |
NpcDeathCommonEventStartRange | number | 0 | Configures the range (in tiles) in which party members have to be for them to trigger Common Events from deaths caused by other party members. |
See Passwords
Name | Type | Example | Description |
FromAddress | string | | Configures the address from which the server will send e-mails. |
FromName | string | Ascencion Game Development | Configures the name the server will use to identify itself as within e-mails. |
Host | string | | Configures the SMTP server the server will use to send out e-mails. |
Port | number | 587 | Configures the port number used to communicate with the SMTP server. |
UseSsl | boolean | true | Configures whether the SMTP server uses SSL. |
Username | string | | Configures the username used to authenticate with the SMTP server. |
Password | string | mypassword | Configures the password used to authenticate with the SMTP server. |
Name | Type | Example | Description |
IdleFrames | number | 4 | Configures the amount of frames the idle animation sprite contains. |
NormalFrames | number | 4 | Configures the amount of frames the normal animation sprite contains. |
CastFrames | number | 4 | Configures the amount of frames the cast animation sprite contains. |
AttackFrames | number | 4 | Configures the amount of frames the attack animation sprite contains. |
ShootFrames | number | 4 | Configures the amount of frames the shoot attack animation sprite contains. |
WeaponFrames | number | 4 | Configures the amount of frames the weapon attack animation sprite contains. |
NormalSheetAttackFrame | number | 3 | Configures the animation from from the normal sheet to use for attacking when no animation sprites are available. |
NormalSheetDashFrame | number | 1 | Configures the animation from from the normal sheet to use for dashing when no animation sprites are available. |
MovingFrameDuration | number | 200 | Configures the time (in milliseconds) each movement frame is displayed before moving on to the next. |
IdleFrameDuration | number | 200 | Configures the time (in milliseconds) each idle frame is displayed before moving on to the next. |
TimeBeforeIdle | number | 4000 | Configures the time (in milliseconds) it takes after a player’s last action before the idle animation starts playing when available. |
Name | Type | Example | Description |
Arena | boolean | false | Configures whether players can walk through eachother in Arena map types. |
Normal | boolean | false | Configures whether players can walk through eachother in Normal map types. |
Safe | boolean | true | Configures whether players can walk through eachother in Safe map types. |